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Огнестрельное оружие ограниченного поражения
rigaDatums: Понедельник, 05.03.2012, 20:33 | Ziņojums # 11
Grupa: Администраторы
Ziņojumu skaits: 644
Statuss: Оффлайн
Безопасность, военное дело

Latvijas preces - Сделано в Латвии - Made in Latvia

ПРОМБРОНЬ - данное имя латвийская фирма
DARTZ взял в честь первого броневика, сделанного на эвакуированном из Риги заводе Руссо-Балт

Новый рижский бронеавтомобиль ПРОМБРОНЬ
(бывш. Руссо-Балт)


"Новые китайцы" хотят "что-то более массивное и дорогое, чем у соседа".
Латвийская фирма Dartz сможет удовлетворить самым запредельным требованиям заказчиков из Поднебесной: новый латвийский роскошный бизнес- броневик Black Dragon Prombron, построенный на базе броневика "Комбат Т98", на 60 см. длиннее, чем стандартный Prombron.

"Чёрный Дракон" укомплектован "нипадецки", чего стоят только диски с изображением пуль и покрытый рояльным лаком пол.

Ко всему прочему, логотипы монстра украшены алмазами, золотом и рубинами.

Латвийский роскошный бизнес- броневик Black Dragon Prombron (видео)

DARTZ KOMBAT - military car Airborn Day in Jurmala

Модель весны 2012 года- Dictator (назвали ну очень по- восточному!).

Итак, суровые восточные деспоты рассекают исключительно на рижских автомобилях!

DARTZ in The DICTATOR, set in Seville, paparazzi

The DICTATOR convoy going our of General Admiral Alladeen Palace

DARTZ in The DICTATOR movie, hidden camera made by paparazzi

Бесплатная доска объявлений (Рига, Латвия) [ Добавить объявление ]
SJ_TRANSPORTDatums: Четверг, 13.09.2012, 20:09 | Ziņojums # 12
Grupa: Проверенные
Ziņojumu skaits: 404
Statuss: Оффлайн

Отстрел огнестрельного оружия ограниченного поражения пистолета GM-101 (2 видеоролика)

Цены на травматическое оружие осенью 2012 года

Новинка !!! «ЧАРОДЕЙ» прост в использовании (для стрельбы нужно поочередно нажать две кнопки);» не требует лицензии для приобретения!!!

Оружие и средства самообороны 2012
Сравнение сегодняшних цен на травматики с ценами на боевые стволы

Оружейные новинки- 2012.
В России появилась новая модель пистолета GM-100- клон всемирно известного пистолета Глок

Русский Глок в действии: отстрел пистолета GM-100, 2 видеоролика

Русский Глок GM-100 c прикладом, рукояткой удержания и 34 зарядным магазином

Перевозка пассажиров и грузов из Украины в страны Балтии »
GifleliDyefDatums: Понедельник, 17.09.2012, 14:03 | Ziņojums # 13
Grupa: Гости

Аренда пистолетов-пулемётов, штурмовых винтовок

Аренда оружия. Винтовки

Аренда оружия. Пистолеты / Револьверы

Аренда оружия. Полуавтоматические винтовки

Аренда оружия. Пулеметы

Аренда оружия. Макеты оружия

Аренда военной экипировки

Аренда техники / Танки

Аренда техники / Пушки

Аренда техники / Мотоциклы

Аренда техники / Легковые машины

Аренда техники / Грузовые машины

Аренда техники / Бтр, броневики
elassysabDatums: Понедельник, 24.09.2012, 17:21 | Ziņojums # 14
Grupa: Гости

Аренда пистолетов-пулемётов, штурмовых винтовок

Аренда оружия. Винтовки

Аренда оружия. Пистолеты / Револьверы

Аренда оружия. Полуавтоматические винтовки

Аренда оружия. Пулеметы

Аренда оружия. Макеты оружия

Аренда военной экипировки

Аренда техники / Танки

Аренда техники / Пушки

Аренда техники / Мотоциклы

Аренда техники / Легковые машины

Аренда техники / Грузовые машины

Аренда техники / Бтр, броневики
OberritleDatums: Среда, 03.10.2012, 11:50 | Ziņojums # 15
Grupa: Гости

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The Hollywood Walk of Fame stretches yatyp <a href=http://www.nfljerseyoff.com/>wholesale nfl jerseys</a>,
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stars could receive multiple stars for separate performances, however nowadays the Walk has a tendency to honor stars not previously that comes with the Walk. These days, an average of two celebrities are awarded a star every month.

The Walk of Fame was designated a Historic Landmark in 1978, and numerous tourists visit the Walk of Fame every year to photograph the celebrities niljq <a href=http://www.nfljerseyoff.com/>wholesale nfl jerseys</a>,
of their favorite celebrities. The primary star was awarded to to Joanne Woodward last month 9, 1960. Each star includes the specific honoree in bronze <a href=http://www.nfljerseytosale.com>www.nfljerseytosale.com/#awu</a>,
as well as an emblem designating the medium in which the celebrity has honored. The emblems include a flick camer for film, Telly ruxin <a href=http://www.nfljerseytosale.com/>cheap nike nfl jerseys</a>,
for television, phonograph record for musicians, a microphone for radio and also the comedy/tragedy masks for stage acting.

Recent construction around the Walk of Fame has produced it required to remove certain stars, that happen to be being saved in <a href=http://ww.nfljerseyoff.com>ww.nfljerseyoff.com/#fru</a>,
an undisclosed location until they are often returned with their places within the Walk of Fame. Video security cameras keep an eye on the Walk of Fame, but such security measures haven't prevented thefts. Currently, four stars have been stolen, including the ones from Jimmy Stewart, Kirk Douglas, Gene Autry and Gregory Peck.

Stolen stars are already replaced, and repair off the Walk of Fame is undertaken because of the Hollywood Historic Trust.The newest honoree was actor Roger Moore, who received his star on Oct. 11, 2007. Moore is better famous for starring in seven Jason bourne films from 1973 to 1985. Moore star, appropriately, is found at 7007 Hollywood Boulevard.

Preppy can be a term and that is both a noun as well as adjective. Preppy term was basically coined for individuals who attend prep school but today madness of Preppy is different.There are lots of tips which one can follow so as to become Preppy that tips are shown below: One appearance is the key to do something as Preppy. Wear designer and branded clothes like Polo Shirts, Cable Sweaters, Sperry Top-Sider Shoes, Keds Shoes, Oxford Shirts because mannequin inside store.
HooxiawomDatums: Четверг, 04.10.2012, 04:57 | Ziņojums # 16
Grupa: Гости

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The Hollywood Walk of Fame stretches afzqt <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleau.com">ugg boots sale</a> ,
across the sidewalk from Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Hollywood to La Brea Avenue. A lot more than 2,000 stars comprise the Walk of Fame, that has been created in 1958. In the beginning, stars could receive multiple stars for separate performances, but today the Walk has a tendency to honor stars not previously iaavd <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleuk.com">ugg outlet</a> ,
situated on the Walk. Today, about two celebrities are awarded a star month after month.

The Walk of Fame was designated a Historic Landmark in 1978, and an incredible number of tourists check out the Walk of Fame on a yearly basis to photograph the celebs godih <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
of the favorite celebrities. The very first star was awarded to to Joanne Woodward last month 9, 1960. Each star includes the specific honoree in bronze in addition to an emblem designating the medium in which the celebrity is being honored. The emblems add a video camer for film, Television set ioung <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleuk.com">www.bootsonsaleuk.com</a> ,
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Recent construction about the zqqts <a href="http://www.cheapbootsonlinesus.com">ugg outlet</a> ,
Walk of Fame has created it needed to remove certain stars, that happen to be being stored in an undisclosed location until they can be ayesn <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleau.com">www.bootsonsaleau.com/#6372</a> ,
returned to their places around the Walk of Fame. Security camera systems watch over the Walk of Fame, but such security measuresaghzt <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleau.com">ugg boots sale</a> ,
never have prevented thefts. Up to now, four stars happen to be stolen, including that relating to Jimmy Stewart, Kirk Douglas, Gene Autry and Gregory Peck.

Stolen stars have already been replaced, and hfqim <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleau.com">ugg boots sale</a> ,
maintenance of the Walk of Fame is undertaken by the Hollywood Historic Trust.
The newest honoree was actor Roger Moore, who received his star on Oct. 11, 2007. Moore is most beneficial renowned for starring in seven Mission impossible films from 1973 to 1985. Moore star, appropriately, can be found at 7007 Hollywood Boulevard.

Preppy is often a term that's both a noun plus an adjective. Preppy term was in fact coined for people who attend prep school however nowadays this is of Preppy is almost different. aceqr <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
There are various tips what one can follow to be able to behave as Preppy these tips are provided below: -

(1) One appearance is the vital thing to do something as Preppy. <a href=http://www.cheapnfljerseysforsales.com>Nábytek</a> Wear designer and branded clothes like Polo Shirts, Cable Sweaters, Sperry Top-Sider Shoes, Keds Shoes, Oxford Shirts as being the mannequin within the store.
HooxiawomDatums: Четверг, 04.10.2012, 04:57 | Ziņojums # 17
Grupa: Гости

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The Hollywood Walk of Fame stretches yjsuz <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
across the sidewalk from Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Hollywood to La Brea Avenue. In excess of 2,000 stars comprise the Walk of Fame, which has been created in 1958. In the beginning, stars could receive multiple stars for separate performances, but today the Walk will honor stars not previously hxjtp <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
that comes with the Walk. Nowadays, about two celebrities are awarded a star month after month.

The Walk of Fame was designated a Historic Landmark in 1978, and millions of tourists check out the Walk of Fame each and every year to photograph celebrities czpxt <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
of their favorite celebrities. The 1st star was awarded to to Joanne Woodward on February 9, 1960. Each star includes the name of the honoree in bronze in conjunction with an emblem designating the medium for which the celebrity has honored. The emblems incorporate a flick camer for film, Hdtv bauej http://www.bootsonsaleuk.com ,
for television, phonograph record for musicians, a microphone for radio along with the comedy/tragedy masks for stage acting.

Recent construction about the fonbi <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleuk.com">ugg outlet</a> ,
Walk of Fame has made it necessary to remove certain stars, that happen to be being saved in an undisclosed location until they can be kzzlk <a href="http://www.cheapbootsonlinesus.com">www.cheapbootsonlinesus.com</a> ,
returned on their places about the Walk of Fame. Surveillance cameras keep an eye on the Walk of Fame, but such security measuresbswou <a href="http://www.cheapbootsus.com">ugg sale</a> ,
are yet to prevented thefts. Currently, four stars are actually stolen, including that regarding Jimmy Stewart, Kirk Douglas, Gene Autry and Gregory Peck.

Stolen stars have been replaced, and cdfgc <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleau.com">ugg boots sale</a> ,
repair of the Walk of Fame is undertaken from the Hollywood Historic Trust.
The most recent honoree was actor Roger Moore, who received his star on Oct. 11, 2007. Moore is best noted for starring in seven James Bond films from 1973 to 1985. Moore star, appropriately, is situated at 7007 Hollywood Boulevard.

Preppy is really a term which is both a noun plus an adjective. Preppy term was in fact coined for individuals who attend prep school these days this is of Preppy is different. zvwrg <a href="http://www.bootsonsaleuk.com">ugg outlet</a> ,
There are numerous tips what type can follow to be able to behave as Preppy which tips are given below: -

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updalmempabDatums: Четверг, 04.10.2012, 05:15 | Ziņojums # 18
Grupa: Гости

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